Sunday, February 3, 2013


1, incentive: (N)
Definition: Something that encourages you to act in a particular way.
Related word forms: incentivized (V)  

2, psychological: (ADJ)
Definition: Relating to the human mind and feelings.
Related word forms: psychologically (ADV)

Definition: affecting or relating to a person or situation.
Related word forms: apply (V)

4, hierarchy: (N)
Definition: a system or organization in which people or things are arranged according to their importance.
Related word forms: hierarchical (ADJ)

5,pension: (N)
Definition: money that is paid regularly by the government or a private company to a person who has stopped working because they are old or ill.
Related word forms: pensioner (N)

6,recognition: (N)          
Definition: -when you accept that something is true or real.(accpet)
            -when someone is publicly thanked for something  good that they have done.(honour)
Related word forms: recognize (V)

7,rotation: (N)
Definition: - to turn in a circular direction, or to make something turn in a circular direction. (turn)
            - to change from one person or thing to another in regular order.(change)
Related word forms: rotate (V)

8, corporation: (N)
Definition: a large company or group of companies.
Related word forms: corporate (ADJ)

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