Sunday, April 7, 2013

Vocab for Monday quiz

Hello Everyone, here is a list of the vocab to learn for Monday's quiz. It is mostly from the blog post on the Urban Legands reading.

plausible: 1) worthy of belief, believable. 2) superficially fair, reasonable or valuable. 

"They often have some unexpected twist that is outlandish but just plausible enough to be taken as truth." 

outlandish: 1) exceeding proper or reasonable limits or standards. 2) bizarre: strikingly out of the ordinary. 

flee: 1) to run away from. 2) to run away often from danger or evil. 3) to hurry toward a place of security. 

"The officer runs to help the driver, and the drunk man takes the opportunity to flee the scene." 

pervasive: existing in or spreading through every part of something. 

cautionary: warning, precaution, prudent to minimize risk. 

unsubstantiated (adj.): Unsupported by other evidence

lurid (verb): horrible in fierceness or savagery   

gruesome: shockingly  repellent; inspiring horror

morbid: suggesting an unhealthy mental state and the horror of death and decay

folklore: the unwritten literature (stories and proverbs and riddles and songs) of a culture

unintentional (adj.): not done or made or performed with purpose or intent

outraged (adj.): angered at something unjust or wrong

heinous(adj.): extremely evil or horrible  

alligatora big reptile with a long mouth and sharp teeth, that lives in lakes and rivers .

to flirt:  to behave as if you are sexually attracted to someone, usually not in a very serious way 

to abbreviate: to make a word or phrase shorter

persistent : existing for a long or longer than usual time or continuously / retained beyond the usual period

a sequence : A following of one thing after another; succession / An order of succession; an arrangement

 to illustrate : To clarify, as by use of examples or comparisons

 spate: noun, a large number of similar things or events appearing or occurring in quick succession, especially bad things

gruesome: very unpleasant or shocking, and involving someone being killed or badly injured

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