Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Females have lower position than males in China

Topic 2

  In China, women and men have apparent position difference, even when they are children, people treat them in different way. There is an example which can describe this situation clearly. Most of chinese people prefer boys, when a woman get pregnant and she go to hospital, then the doctor will tell her the sex of her child, when she knows that her child is a girl, she will do induced abortion with a high probability, if this woman pregnant a boy, her family position will become highest in a second. In that several years, male are highly more than female, so in China, doctor can't let pregnant know their child's sex before they bring the child into the world.  Most of chinese people like boys because they think boys can carry on their family line, but girls can't, you know, children always follow their father's last name, rather than mother's. I think this is unfair not only because I'm a girl, I think everyone in the world have their right to live. People can't decide others's live even their children's. In this year, this situation is much better than before, but there are also some people who give the doctor money to "buy" their child's sex. I don't know how to solve this problem, do you have any idea?




  1. Hi Jessy, I found very interesting your topic.
    Gianinna Siuffi

  2. I think this is a discrimination issue, and is far from being solved because its rooted in the customs and traditions of a nation.

  3. As the only grandson in my big family, I can feel that my grandparents love me more than other grandchildren. But, it happened in our grandparents' generation, at least my parent don't mind their children are boys or girls. As for me, it doesnt matter either.

    ----Kai Zhou

  4. I think it break the law now that doctors tell parents about sex of children in China, i am not sure about it. I have listened to my parents talk about that one of my relatives want to have a boy and they have three daughters before they got a boy,and finally the girls are sent to other relatives to bring up. I was shocked when i heard about it.

  5. unfortunately the same thing applies in Saudi Arabia, Women in general are fighting for good job positions! They are achieving some success but its the progress is really slow, Hopefully things are getting better for females in the near future.

  6. Saudi Arabia had this problem a while ago. I still remeber when people were still get kind of mad about having a girl instead of a boy... Sometimes it takes times for people to understand that they actually cant conrol that and sometimes they are satisafied with what they got..

  7. Saudi Arabia had this problem a while ago. I still remeber when people were still get kind of mad about having a girl instead of a boy... Sometimes it takes times for people to understand that they actually cant conrol that and sometimes they are satisafied with what they got..
