Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Unjust of Education in China_Kai

Unjust of Education in China
First of all, the tuition of education is so high that some poor students can't afford it. As a resultl, instead of going to university,they have no choice but start working. Unfortunately, if you want to get a good job, you must graduate from some famous unversities. Thus, the poor person who can't afford the tuition wont have a good job. Secondly, the entrance university examination is totally different in different part of China. For people who born in Beijing, if they want to go to study at Peking University or Qinghua University, getting 600+ scores in the entrance university examination is ok. However, for the other students from the other part of China, you have to get over 700 scores, it could be possible you can study at those kind of famous universities. Furthermore, you work at Beijing, if you want to your children study at Beijing, you must pay more tuition than the local. Moreover, the most unjust thing is if your family members who have got along with some famous school's master, you would have the advantage of being a student of that school. We called it, the relationship is more important than the others things. All things considered, if you want to study at a good school, it depends where were you born, how rich you are and does your family member has a good relationship with some school's leader. How unjust it is in China. 

Kai Zhou

It's really unjust Kai.   it's hard for those poor people in China to afford all these  money only to study and have a simple job..


  1. I hate this unfair treatment, but China won't be changed in 10 years for sure. ------Jessy

  2. Most universities in China have local policy to protect the local students to get in the universities, but in Zhejiang Province, as i known, Zhejiang university do not have this unjust policy which i admire it. But it is true that many students are treat unequally not only for universities.

  3. As I know, the difficult situation in eduction starts from kindergarten. If you want your children to get "best beginning" , parents mostly need to pay "choosing schools fee" unless your address is near that school. The schools in China are divided in several level in term of official form or the public believes form. The "good" kindergarten has richer eductional resources and better and kinder teachers............

