Wednesday, April 24, 2013

unjust employment situation in China

    There is a very serious problem in China which is the unequal situation of employment, especially for people who want to work in government system. There are only one in thousand people can get the job as a civil servant, but eventually the people who get the job has relationship with people who has power or people who is rich. In fact, there is a test to pick people, but it is more easier to people who have relationship to get that job than   people who do have ability. The unjust situation cause the unequal circumstance that can not change in the future. Besides, the unjust social security system cause more contradictions between government and the masses, people who work for government do not pay for the social security while they can get 3 times salary than normal people. What's more, because of the lack of pension, someone in government proposal to delay the retirement time from 60 year-old to 65 year-old. The unjust system lead to strongly opposed by most people in China.

------Chen Qiu

Hi Chen,  Also we do have like this unjust issue in our country, some of illiterate rich people have more opportunities to get the governmental jobs.  I hope our countries change to the better.  Saud


  1. I can understand current situation in China. Rich people are always dominant the rule in employing. Cathy Zhu

  2. I know it, it's a normal phenomenon in China. I have worked for half year even though not work for government. That happens not only working in government system, but also in some private company.

    ---Kai Zhou

  3. Gender discrimination exits almost everywhere in the world! Women in our country still cannot drive their own vehicles! You also need strong connections in order to gain a good job so i guess its a worldwide thing!

  4. Thats called the power of connections. Its when you can decide who do this and who do that because you just can and there is no one is looking after what are you doing. Saudi Arabia has almost the same issue, and people started to abuse their position in government for their own business
