Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Unjust of Gender Status in China

   Cathy Zhu 

url.jpegIn China, there is an universal phenomenon that the status of female is lower than male in several aspects. Some women always get unfair treatments when they are in jobs or lives. In contrast, the men usually show an attitude that they can dominate their family rather than listen to their wife. This is because the history concept becomes an ideology construct rooting in men's perception. To be more specific, it is a well-know fact that China is one of four countries with time-honored and splendid history and civilization in the world.  In the history of China, Men ruled the household and had complete control over their life. The only role of the wife was like a servant to their husbands and produce sons for their family. At that time, it is highly important for men to provide all the marriage expenses in order to keep their dominant family status. Therefore, men always show the powerful substance condition to ask for getting marriage with their daughter to their father-in-law. Nowadays, due to the influence of ancient culture, men have a superiority complex to female. If women want to change this unfair condition, they must be independent both in economy and mental. Women should believe themselves and try to get equal treatments when they suffer unfair things. Similarly, it is vitally important for man to show their respect to the female.  

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