Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Allowing Women to Drive

In Saudi Arabia, the law is based on the the Islam religion, and in Islam there is nothing in The Islamic religion prohibit the women from driving. So, people might ask why women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. The answer for that would be related to the history of Saudi Arabia and their traditional life style. Saudi Arabia have been conquered by the ruler family 3 times and during these three times, people have forgotten a lot of women rights and one of them was driving cars. I recall many years a go, women in my country were asking to get the equal treatment with men. So, the government started to give them some, but not all of their rights. One of their rights, is to be able to drive freely as men do. However, because this right has been almost forgotten by many people and no women in the past had the courage to ask for such a thing, people started to think that its the law that is not allowing for women to drive. Since Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country and the law is based on the religion, where did this law come from then? Not allowing our mothers, our sisters or our grands to drive is not a low of the Saudi Arabia government. The whole thing started after conquering Saudi Arabia by the ruler family.
Before there were cars, we had camels and horses as a daily transportation way to all people, male and females. But because what people have believed in and what become a part of Saudi Arabia's culture, women are not allowed to drive.
This issue in particular is being discussed in Saudi Arabia these days, and hoping they will come with a solution for it. It's unjust to not give women their rights, and unjust law would go down in a way or another. Maybe some people don't see this issue as a big thing, but people in Saudi Arabia see it that way. Allowing women to drive would change almost everything in Saudi Arabia, but the change can't be determined as a positive or negative change.

By Mohammed


  1. I think it's unfair that women can't drive. However, I realize how hard it might be for Saudi women to overcome the traditional lifestyle or break the laws.

  2. I cannot understand the condition that women are not allowed to drive cars. It is obvious that the gender discrimination is in Saudi Arabia. Cathy Zhu

  3. The unjust of women rights is the biggest problem around the world. But,I have never heard that women do not allow to drive.


  4. I think your analysis is very good and detailed. It let me know the attitude to women drive of people in your country more clearer.

