Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Unjust Laws (Topic 1)

Unjust laws exists almost everywhere in the world. Its still considered a crime against the law for women to drive in Saudi Arabia. After all the pleas and protests for removing such a law, nothing changed until the day. So there was a famous story in a Saudi newspaper, it talks about a women who took her husband to a hospital, he was having a heart attack and was about to die, so the wife decided to drive his car to the hospital in a bold courages move, she saved his life in the last moment, and he could've passed away if she didn't act. At the time, she didn't really care about braking the law since her husband was between life and death, she learned how to drive in Dubai as she mentioned. The wife used her driving skills despite the strict unjust laws against females driving, she was considered as a hero in front of the public, but the government did not support this act in anyway. She did what any loyal wife would do to her husband and saved his life. So this is one small example of an act that justifies why we the humans are breaking the unjust laws sometimes!



  1. Hi Ghassan, I found very interesting your topic.
    Gianinna Siuffi

  2. I think women should able to drive! Everybody has their right to drive. -----Jessy

  3. Was the women punished for breaking the law after that? I'm interested in the ending of this news.

