Monday, March 4, 2013

Summary of Parking Wars At USF

In the evening of Feb. 21, a meeting took place at McLaren Hall. It had the present of city supervisor Eric Mar and university terrace association of residents who live between LM and main campus. The meeting was about discussing the parking changes and installing meters and posting time limits from two hours parking limits to just one hour. Most people of USF neighbors protested about SFMTA plans for revenue rising and changing parking limits. When Eric Mar came to the subject of parking and his support for a proposal to remove 150 parking space along Masonic ave, a member of UTA hissed. " This not Manhattan or Paris, we don't have subway that was built a 100 years ago. We just don't have the density" said by a member of UTA who hissed at Eric Mar during the meeting. As for the UTA member, he was on a wheelchair, he felt of the direction that SFMTA is taking, and increase parking regulation was extreme and discriminating against disabled and old people. Other part of the meeting took the chance to discuss the student population at USF. The problem was, students take parking spaces almost all day, while that parking space could be use by a resident or their visitor. Another meeting will take place regarding the parking changes in the near future.

By Mohammed Bakhsh

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