Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ghassan (Vocabulary)

Lignite : intermediate between peat and bituminous coal

Extensive : above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

Sector : a social group that forms part of the society or the economy

Conduct : direct the course of; manage or control

Generate : means to produce or create. If you want to generate really high-level ideas, you should let your mind roam freely.

Crried out : pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue

Province : province is a region within a country. If you travel to Canada, you'll have to decide whether you want to go to the province of Quebec, or Saskatchewan, or one of the other 8 provinces in that enormous country

Aims : point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards

Cystic Fibrosis= A serious medical condition, common between children, in which breathing is difficult

Genetic= Relating to genes, Genes are what determin your character.

Chronic= A disease that continues for a long time and can't be cured.

Muscus=  Is what the nose produce.

Hyperventilate= To breeth too quickly or too deeply so you can get too much oxygen.

Seminar= A calss at college or university that discuss a particular subject

Pediatrics= The area of medicin that deals with children and their illnesses

Mohammed Bakhsh

shirley vocabulary 01/30/2013

Infection   : disease, virus, illness, sickness, disorder

Symptom  : a physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease

Appetite    : a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, esp. for food

Trigger      :   a small device that releases a spring or catch and so sets off a mechanism

Contagious: of a disease, spread from one person or organism to another by direct or indirect contact

Blistering   : of heat, intense

Vaccinate   : treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease

Scab           : a dry , rough protective crust that forms over a cut or wound during healing

Chen Qiu ----- vocabulary

1.       Word: elite (noun)

Definition: a group or a class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or society or economic status

2.       Word: demographic (noun)

Definition: the demographics of a place or society are the statistics relating to the people who live there

3.       Word: pioneer (noun)

Definition: someone who helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art

4.       Word: rigorous (adjective)

Definition: rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard; strict

5.       Word: autism (noun)

Definition: (psychiatry) an abnormal absorption with the self; marked by communication disorders and short attention span and inability to treat others as people

6.       Word: sustainability (noun)

Definition: the property of being sustainable

7.       Word: subsequent (adjective)

Definition: following in time or order

8.       Word: forum (noun)

Definition: a public facility to meet for open discussion

Yongqing Zhu (Cathy) / New Vocab Words

Yongqing Zhu (Cathy)

Deliberate: done or acting in a careful and unhurried way, fully considered
Coarse: rough or loose in texture or grain
Agonize: undergo great mental anguish through worrying about sth
Premeditation: think out or plan
Anonymous: not identified by name, of unknow name
Distort: give a misleading or false account or impression of
Effectuation: put into force or operation
Upbeat: an unaccented beat preceding an accented beat
Pessimism: a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen, a lack of hope or confidence in the furture.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Xiefei Deng

Hello everyone, I'm Xiefei Deng. You can call me Shirley. I'm a freshman in accounting major. This is my second semester at USF. I'm from Wuhan, Hubei province, middle of China. My family has 4 people---- my father, my mother, my little brother and me. My brother is  one year and a half younger than I. We are good friends because of near ages. If you have a chance to go to Wuhan, you will see "Hot-Dry-Noodle" everywhere. It's famous Wuhan food and very delicious. After 4-month study in USF, I'm used to living and studying here. San Francisco is the first foreign city I have been to. I love the relaxed and  free life here. I'm going to visit SF's attractions during weekends this semester. I really enjoy this kind of trips because they can help me know the city better and discover more special places. I also try to do exercise everyday to make me healthier this semester although it may be a little hard for me. To be honest, university life is a challenge for me, and I hope to find my future road during these four years. Last, Best wishes to all.
Homework For WED 31/01

- Please make sure you have posted an introduction to yourself on the blog if you are new to the class.

- For those who did not do a summary for a chosen article, you still have a chance to do it and hand it in on Wed..

- Chose 8 new vocab words from your chosen article and post them in the blog, You have to ge the definition for each vocab word.

- Finish reading Ch 1, and do the assignment ( 1-B ) at the end of Ch 1....


Mohammed Bakhsh

Friday, January 25, 2013

Hello every one..    My Name is Saud, and I'm from Saudi Arabia.  This Picture was taken in Summer 2012.   In that picture, those guys were my roommates in Salt Lake City, Utah State.  We were so happy because we just passed in all our classes.  The guy's name is Alex; he is from Mali and he speaks French as a first language.  Alex was a good roommate and friend. Obviously, I was so skinny and I was not eating very well, so he was trying to encourage me to go to the gym and work out with him    Now,  I gained more 10 kilograms I really got deep in the gym and I like to work out  at least 4 days a week.  I really thank Alex because he was encouraging me all the time.  That girl is from South Korea. Her name is Betty, She was a good roommate and friend too.  She was like our home cook.  Honestly,  She was a kind girl because she was cooking as much as she could only because Alex and I were looking for healthy food.  During the weekend, My roommates and I were interested watching movies in the Cinema and playing any game. For example, We were playing pool, Ping Pong and Soccer.

It was so much good times in Utah State with those guys

Thank You For Reading Guys!!

Hello everyone. Yup! That's me up there, it was taken when i was with my friends at Twin Peaks. I'm a bioligy major, and its my second semester at the USF but it feels like my first because I didn't get the chance to continue in the fall because of some medical issues. Anyways, I'm Arabian from Saudi Arabia, I have been born and raised there, then when I became 18 I came to the U.S. to study. First time i came to the U.S, I neither was a good speaker nor a good writer in english, in other words, I knew nothing about English back 3 years ago..
I like playing video games solo, also I play basketball, but I pretty sure that I'm not good at it. I do some light reading between once and a while but I don't always remeber what I have been reading.
I came to the USF in the fall of 2012 and still here I'm studying and doing fine..
Well everyone, that's me and I can't wait to get to know all of you in reading and writing 3..


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ran Zhao

Hello everyone!
I'm Ran Zhao, you can call me Jessy. Actually I was Jessica, but I met a friend who has the same name, so I compromised. I come from the capital of China, Beijing. I have a brother, he is study in LA, this is one of the reason that I come to US and study in California. My major is art & science now, I'll change it to Business Administration. Well, I love shopping, I go to DT every week and buy a lots of things. In fact, I hate writing !!!!!! But I have to. Too bad, so sad. I took this picture two years ago, very cute, ha! I miss my short hair!!!!!!
All in all, I'm a outgoing girl, come and be my friends~~~~~~

Chen Qiu

Hi, everyone! My name is CHEN QIU and I’m from Zhejiang province, China. I took this photo during the winter break in Arizona state where my elder brother studies. And the boy in this photo is my little brother, he is in elementary school and he just started learning English this year. I didn’t come back to China during the winter break so I have travelled around US with my family. Let me introduce myself more specific. My major is finance, and I want to take over my mother’s company after I graduate. I really like watch anime which makes me got interest in drawing. I’m shy and I am not good at communicating with others but I hope I can get over this difficulty and make friends with classmates. Finally, I am glad to attend this class and I will try to work better than before this semester.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Yongqing Zhu

Hi everyone, this is Yongqing Zhu. You can call me Cathy. I am a freshman in Business Administration program. I took this photo in this winter holiday when i back home. My mother bought two big plush toys and my favorite flowers to me. I felt that i was the most lucky daughter in the world. I love all of my family members.

First of all, let me introduce my personal backgrounds. I was born in Ningbo, which is a very beautiful coastal city in South East China.  I have a big family with my parents, one little brother and one little sister. In addition, I have a wide diversity of hobbies. Actually, I am deeply in love with reading stories because i want to experience different life stories in the world.  My favorite novel is “Pride and prejudice”. Elizabeth’s brave and determination to find and grasp her true love dramatically impressed me. Besides  reading, I also love sports. I am good at playing badminton. I am really look forward to attending the sports activities held in USF. Last but not the least, I own several edges that I believe can make me outstanding in my undergraduate study. I am good at communicating with people. When I was in high school, I made a lot of friends. My classmates all like coming up and sharing their happiness and sorrow with me.  Since teamwork is very important in undergraduate study, my talent in communication will absolutely contribute to developing the efficiency of my teams.

I always ask myself what is success. Now in my point of view, success means doing what makes you happy or you are happy when you are successful. About the long run study in USF, accepting the academic knowledge is absolutely the most important in my whole study. However the aboard special experience can also helps me to step on a new level in life. I will do my best in every of my class.

I wish to have good study time with all the classmates and our professor.


Homework for Friday

Hello Everyone,

1) please purchase the text book 'We are America' and peruse it thoroughly. Be ready to discuss its contents on Friday.

2) make sure your blog post introducing yourself is 7-8 sentences long and in paragraph format.

Welcome again!


Welcome to our Class Blog!

Hello everyone end welcome to our class blog. My name is Peter Vahle and I look forward to working with you and getting to know you this semester. This space will be used to create and share our ideas.

Your first task is to write a brief introduction about yourself and to post at least one picture. The picture does not have to be of you, but it should be a picture you or someone you know has taken and it should represent something interesting to you. Please write one paragraph as soon as possible, but no later than 10pm Thursday. After you write about your self, please read what others in class have written and comment on at least 2 other people's posts.

This is me with my family last week on a bike ride along the bay. You can't see it in the photo, but the company headquarters of 'Facebook' is just behind us.